Thursday, July 15, 2010

Demon Car

Hey, Bloggie. Just came by to tell you a story that I want to remember:

I was watching a movie with Daddy, Mom, Chris, Jenn, Wil, and the baby. The movie was scary; it was about a demon who could possess cars and force them to run people over. The demon could also possess objects and make them kill their owners. There is a vivid part still in my head where a brunette was slaughtered by the teddy bear she was holding. She was holding it because she was crying because she was afraid of the demon that had just killed her parents.
The movie spared us no gore. Blood everywhere.
I watched as the car in the movie took down people who looked and acted like people I knew; Mark, Sam, Dylan, Cassie, Jazzmen. Andrew, my boyfriend, had a gruesome death.
For no reason, Jenn and Wil decided to go for a walk with Nik. Chris also left a bit later. Mom and Dad were trying to calm me; I had locked the front door and all the windows, and was curled in a blanket praying that Jenn, Wil, Nik, and Chris hadn't been maimed by a car.
The back door opened, just a crack. I was terrified; it was almost dark now, and the demon could get me. I ran to the door, but it wouldn't shut. It was jammed on some invisible force.
Jenn, Wil, and baby came back up the walkway. I grabbed baby and threw Jenn in. I was crying and I told them what had happened, and that the demon was here. I looked at Wil and he had unusually dark eyes. It hit me that he was the demon, and he realized that I knew he was the demon. He flung himself at the door but I shut it too quickly. It was caught on the same jam and I struggled to close it.
It wouldn't close, but I locked it in a position to be sure it wouldn't open either. I ran back into the living room where my family was sitting calmly; Chris came through the front door smiling. I locked the door again and screamed, "YOU GUYS THERE'S A DEMON IT'S GONNA KILL US!"
They ignored me.
Shaking and breathing quickly, I put the baby in a basket and covered it up. Daddy suddenly exploded; guts and gore was everywhere. No one noticed but me.
Mommy was next. Her neck broke itself and she fell to the floor.
Jenn and Chris were watching the movie.
Jenn's eyes got big like Wil's. I closed my eyes and sort of thought to the demon, "Who are you and what do you want?"
I was taken to another demension, sort of. It was some sort of catacomb, with a low, mildewed ceiling and dirt floor. Decayed bodies were strewn around the catacomb. In the middle, staring at me, was a man. He had long blonde hair, extremely white skin, red eyes and horns. He was laughing.
When I came back, Jenn had a long machete and was licking blood off of it. I don't know who she killed; Niko and Chris were watching the Simpsons contentedly. I cried and ran to my spot on the couch as Jenn lashed out at me, missing.
I kissed Chris and told him I loved him; I pushed myself under the blankets, held the baby to my chest, wondered what death felt like and prayed it would be over soon. I was concentrating everything on the baby when I felt arms around my waist, and Chris was whispering, "Shhh, it's okay, it's not real, calm down, it's only a movie. . ."
And then I woke up.
I was in the same position as in my dream; curled in a ball, clutching my pillow as if it were a baby, with the echo of the comforting hands on my waist.
When Andrew called me, apparently he couldn't see me today because his body was aching- his dad drove into him with his car this morning.

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