Monday, July 12, 2010


Summer is all me time. Me, me, me, me, me! I don't care how selfish and conceited I sound- I don't ever have to devote anymore time to freshman year! I'm not a n00b anymore! Hurray!
Being a sophomore is going to be hard work, though. I'll have my AP class which will assign work like a bitch, along with my Honors Humanities. I'll also have to harass freshman even though they'll probably already be bigger than me. It's a tough job.
But for now, I have my tea, my chips, and my computer. I can relax and draw anything I want. I can read Harry Potter until I'm sick- I can play Harvest Moon all day. I can ignore my AP project until the last two weeks and then scramble to finish it.
Ah, summer!
I do have responsibilities, though. I have your average teenage Hollywood life- a tall, great boyfriend, a messy room with a parent nagging me to clean it up, a nephew to love and occasionally babysit. Not to mention I have to eat all sugar in the house to make sure no one else gets fat.
So, since this is my first blog, I guess I have to talk about me. Which is easy; I am quite fine with ranting about myself.
I'm Katie, a short blonde sophomore, born and bred in California. I've got a best friend- Mikaela, and my boyfriend Andrew. I'm stubborn. And I like tomatoes.
What else is there to say?
I guess I can say I hate homework. I mean, they gave us maps to do, an outline, an essay, twenty-three questions, and a chapter to read in APEC! It's summer! Homework should be illegal- it kills trees.
I'ma go kill some puppies. Peace.

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